Dragon’s Blood Smudge Stick – 4″



Dragon’s Blood Smudge Stick – 4″

White Sage dipped with Dragon’s Blood resin to create this wonderful smudge stick.


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This unique smudge stick is prepared by White Sage dipped in Dragon’s Blood.

The Dragon’s Blood enhances the properties of the Sage in purification and to dispel negativity – to create a sacred and protected space.


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Average 4"

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Dragon's Blood is burned to dispel negativity, exorcise evil supernatural entities, courage, purification, attract love, and restore male potency. Many also burn dragon's blood for protection when spell casting and invoking. When added to other incenses, dragon's blood makes their magical powers all the stronger. Sage is burned for protection against all forms of evil. It is also burned to purify sacred spaces and ritual tools. Plus it is great for promoting wisdom, clarity, attract money, and aid in the healing the body, mind, and soul. 


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