Chasteberry Vitex Agnus Castus Extract





Chasteberry Vitex Agnus Castus Extract (2000mg, 1oz)

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Chasteberry Vitex Agnus Castus goes by many names, including  Chastetree Berry. The Chaste Berry has a long history of use in folklore. In the ancient writings of  Roman Naturalist, Pliny the Elder, the name Vitex is derived from the Latin word, “vieo” which refers to weaving, since the bark of the vitex tree was used to weave baskets.  The reference to ‘Chaste’ is due to references that the plant was considered Sacred to the Virgin Goddess Hestia/Vesta.

It was mentioned in the 4th century BC by Hippocrates, “ the father of modern medicine”, and was indicated in The King’s American Dispensary  for female balance. It’s common name reflects the belief that eating the fruit decreases the libido, and allows for increased chastity.  During ancient Greek and Roman times, the Priestess of the Temple would eat the berries to lessen the libido.  Another name for the plant, Monk’s Pepper, came from the use by medieval monks towards a similar goal. Although scientific studies do not support the herb’s ability to decrease sex drive, modern research shows that Chaste Berry has a regulating effect on female hormones.

Chaste Berry has been the subject of in depth, placebo controlled double blind studies, which have uncovered some of the specific mechanisms of action that make it so useful as a remedy for the female cycle. Please note that this herbal remedy is often called Agnus Castus , Vitex or Chaste Berry – its all the same herb.

This herb is NOT recommended for use during pregnancy.




Chasteberry 2











Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before use, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

Keep out of reach of children.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Additional information


2000 mg

Product Weight/Size

1 oz

Additional Information

The Chasteberry plant, also called chaste tree, is native to the Mediterranean region and Asia. The name “Chasteberry” may reflect the traditional belief that the plant promoted chastity. Monks in the Middle Ages reportedly used it to decrease sexual desire. In the past, Chasteberry extracts were used to treat a variety of gynecological disorders and skin conditions. Today, Chasteberry is promoted as a dietary supplement for symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, breast pain associated with the menstrual cycle, infertility, and other conditions. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before use, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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