Calendula Flower Extract





Calendula Flower Extract (970mg, 1oz)


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Calendula flowers are the bright yellow tops of a plant with the Latin name, Calendula officinalis. Other common names include pot marigold and wild marigold- rightly so because the calendula flower looks a lot like the common garden marigold and is actually in the same daisy plant family, Asteracea. The word Calendula may be derived from the Latin, calendae, which means little calendar. Calendula flowers grow wild in many areas of the world including Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean region, and are often grown in North American gardens as well.

Calendula flowers have often been used for spiritual ceremonies. For example early Catholics called the flowers “ Mary’s Gold.” Ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks and Romans often prepared crowns out of the Calendula flowers and wore them during rituals and ceremonies. Hindu deities are honored in India by Calendula flower decorations. In more modern ‘New Age” Philosophy, calendula flowers are considered to be linked to the second chakra, which relates to creativity, sensual expression and empathy. The second chakra is  located in the abdominal area below the navel. The bright orange-yellow flowers can bring joy and uplift the spirit.

Calendula contains a variety of active natural compounds, such as flavonol glycosides,  triterpene oligoglycosides, and soothing soap-like molecules called saponins. Perhaps the presence of these compounds helps to explain the centuries old use of Calendula to support skin care and skin health. In addition, the bright yellow pigment lutein, is found in the orange yellow flowers.

Calendula has been used extensively in natural recipes to promote skin health for centuries, and has been used as a tea, herbal extract and as an ingredient in skin creams and ointments.




Calendule Flower 1









Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before use, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

Keep out of reach of children.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Additional information


970 mg

Product Weight/Size

1 oz

Additional Information

Calendula is a plant, and the flower is used to make medicine. Don't confuse calendula with ornamental marigolds of the Tagetes genus, which are commonly grown in vegetable gardens. Calendula flower is commonly used for wounds, rashes, infection, inflammation, and many other conditions. However, as with many complementary and alternative medicines, to ensure appropriateness for you, please consult your physician before use. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before use, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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