As a Pharmacist, I was recently inspired by a couple articles regarding the Efficacy of Herbal Medicine, and potential safety concerns, as well as the role of Pharmacists in Managing Herbal Medicine Use at the Pharmacy.

In my own experience, I have observed that Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is widely used by many patients, however not always correctly.


Hand Holding Vitamins



Why people turn to CAM?

Many patients I have discussed this with have had similar reasoning

  • They have had difficulty finding a Doctor
  • They feel frustrated with the care they are provided – not feeling their health conditions are actually being treated
  • They are concerned about side effects of traditional prescription medicine, and don’t understand what it is doing in their body
  • They feel Doctors won’t let them use CAM products if that’s what they desire, and will never recommend a CAM therapy
  • It is easier for them to obtain CAM products without a prescription
  • They trust CAM products as they are natural



Some Myths Busted…

  • Although many CAM products are natural, that does not mean every product is always safe for everyone.
  • Although many CAM products are not recognized by the FDA as medicines, they are used by patients for intended medicinal effects, and similar to traditional prescription products, may indeed have side effects.
  • There are purity concerns with some CAM products, although this concern is decreasing over time due to harmonized production practices, certifications such as by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), and advances in purity testing
  • Many providers are open to recommending CAM for their patients, and are respectful of patient choice in the manner of their care




Man holding vitamin



CAM products are widely available to the public, no prescription needed.  However that can be a problem in itself.  I recall a patient some years ago that had been prescribed some traditional prescription medications by their cardiologist due to a heart condition.  They apparently had thrown those prescriptions in the garbage, as they wanted to use something natural.  They went to a local store and found a section of CAM products ‘good for the heart’ and starting using a variety of these.  The patient never discussed any of this with their cardiologist, and their Doctor was entirely unaware of what they were doing.  I first met this patient as he was being admitted to the hospital, and took a detailed account of what he had been doing at home.  In fact, I recall he had been reluctant to even mention these CAM products he was using, as ‘they were natural’ and ‘not real medicines’ so he felt they probably were not important to mention.  Thankfully I was able to get the information through our discussion, and upon review, although some of the products he had chosen might have had some benefit, a few of them actually were worsening his underlying heart condition, to the point he needed hospitalization.  This story serves to highlight some important concerns with the use of CAM products.



Some Concerns:

  • A patient desiring to use CAM products should discuss with their healthcare provider BEFORE doing so
  • Their healthcare provider MUST be aware of all CAM products being used. This is no different than if someone is using a medicine, that if the provider is unaware of what is being used, how can they treat the patient appropriately?
  • Before using a CAM product, there ARE healthcare providers that can discuss appropriateness of use, any potential safety concerns such as side effects or drug interactions
  • CAM as we said, stands for COMPLIMENTARY and Alternative Medicines. People often forget that these therapies can be excellent in combination with their traditional prescription products in many cases, whereas many often are attempting to use them strictly as alternative treatments.



Man in hospital



I recall another patient I encountered in the hospital who had been recently diagnosed with cancer.  The patient and his family were interested in using CAM products in conjunction with traditional chemotherapy, as the family wanted to know they ‘did EVERYTHING they could to help’ for peace of mind.  The patient agreed to discuss this with the oncologist, who was quite open to the idea of combination treatment.

Nowadays, more and more providers are encountering patients interested in CAM approaches to their health, and are respectful of their patient’s making informed decisions and having input in their care plan.



Woman Taking Vitamin



At Enlightened Mind, we care that our clients make informed decisions regarding their Health and Wellness.  Our content team has devoted countless hours to ensure our products help explain what it is actually known about CAM from a scientific and medical standpoint, and that information provided in a friendly and clear manner.



Clinical Pharmacist




We are here for you! 

Have a question about a CAM product – please reach out to us through our Services tab and we are happy to help you.


At Enlightened Mind we carry an extensive variety of some of the most commonly used Complementary and Alternative Herbs and Remedies, Homeopathic Products, Vitamins and Supplements, Herbal Extracts, Essential Oils, and much more




Be Well,

Dr. Joseph B. Surek – PharmD

Enlightened Mind New Age Apothecary


